NWU Economic and Management Sciences Requirement

Admission requirements

Please note that the below admission requirements are subject to change pending selection and possible faculty-specific requirements.

Study information is subject to change and is a summary of the general fields of study. This information was compiled for introduction and orientation purposes and the North-West University accepts no liability for inaccuracies that may occur in this guide. The official yearbook of the University must in all cases be consulted during the process of compiling a programme for a specific field of study. The appropriate yearbook is available on request at: studies@mynwu.info / 018 285 4320 / applicationsug@nwu.ac.za.

Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements will not automatically be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their Grade 12 results for admission to these fields.Economic and Management Sciences

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DegreeFieldRequirementsAPSCampusPossible Career Opportunities
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting (general) Mathematics level 3English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Vanderbijlpark AccountantCost and management accountantFinancial managerTax practitionerGeneral managerTeacher/lecturer
Bachelor of Commerce in Chartered Accountancy (CA)  Mathematics level 5English level 4DURATION: 3 years30Mahikeng PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark AuditorTax specialistFinancial managerBusiness consultantComputer auditorCorporate finance specialistStructured finance specialistEntrepreneurAcademic/training provider
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Chartered Accountancy (CA)  Mathematics level 3English level 4DURATION: 4 years26Vanderbijlpark Mahikeng AuditorTax specialistFinancial managerBusiness consultantComputer auditorCorporate finance specialistStructured finance specialistEntrepreneurAcademic/training provider
Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accountancy (SAIPA) Mathematics level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years28Mahikeng Potch Vanderbijlpark Professional accountantInternal auditorCost and management accountantFinancial managerTax practitionerLecturer
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Accountancy (SAIPA)  Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical literacy level 7English level 4DURATION: 4 years24Mahikeng Vanderbijlpark  Professional accountantInternal auditorCost and management accountantFinancial managerTax practitionerLecturer
Bachelor of Commerce in Forensic Accountancy Mathematics level 5A Language of study level 5DURATION: 3 years36PotchefstroomPrivate practiceInternal forensic divisions at corporates (banks, insurance, etc.)Government institutions and regulatory bodiesForensic divisions of auditing, consulting or legal firms
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Accountancy (CIMA) Mathematics level 5English level 4DURATION: 3 years30PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Project managersManagement consultantsFinance directorsChief executivesEntrepreneursFor a more detailed description of a career as a management accountant, visit the CIMAglobal.com website.
Bachelor of Commerce in Operations Research Mathematics level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng People with skills in OR hold jobs in decision support, business analytics, marketing analysis and logistics planning. Many large firms have groups of OR analysts. These are located in the steel, mining, oil, gas, chemicals, paper and engineering industries, airlines, logistics, railways, banking and insurance. Within the public sector, OR analysts are also employed in health, education and electricity supply.
Bachelor of Commerce in Statistics Mathematics level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng Statisticians have the advantage of combining their interest with almost any other field of study, especially in science, business, medicine technology, education, etc. Some of these fields are as follows:EducationBiology EconomicsManufacturing                                            MarketingEngineering                    FinanceHealth sciencePublic health                                Computer scienceEpidemiologyLaw                     Population studiesChemistryAgricultureInsurance                               SportsBanking institutions                                           Earth sciencesGeographyGovernment departments                              Insurance companies
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Statistics Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy Level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Statisticians have the advantage of combining their interest with almost any other field of study, especially in science, business, medicine technology, education, etc. Some of these fields are as follows:EducationBiology EconomicsManufacturing                                            MarketingEngineering                    FinanceHealth sciencePublic health                                Computer scienceEpidemiologyLaw                     Population studiesChemistryAgricultureInsurance                               SportsBanking institutions                                           Earth sciencesGeographyGovernment departments                              Insurance companies
Bachelor of Commerce in Business Operations with Logistics Management Mathematics level 3English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng  
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Business Operations with Logistics Management Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng  
Bachelor of Commerce in Business Operationswith Transport EconomicsMathematics level 3English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng Logistics managementSupply chain managerLogistics managerFreight forwarderWarehousingStock controlPublic transport planner/scheduler/modellerTraffic and travel impact assessorNational government, provincial, district and local municipality
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Business Operationswith Transport EconomicsMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Logistics managementSupply chain managerLogistics managerFreight forwarderWarehousingStock controlPublic transport planner/scheduler/modellerTraffic and travel impact assessorNational government, provincial, district and local municipality
Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Agricultural Economics and Risk ManagementMathematics level 4Language of instruction level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomFinancial economistMarket economistsDevelopment economistsResource economistsProduction economist
Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and EconometricsMathematics level 3English level 4DURATION: 3 years26Mahikeng Budget analystEconomistQuantitative analystEconometricianPublic policy analyst
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and EconometricsMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Budget analystEconomistQuantitative analystEconometricianPublic policy analyst
Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and International TradeMathematics level 4Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomVanderbijlparkEconomistEconomic or international trade consultantsAny position within the import and export process (e.g. logistics or procurement for retailers such as Shoprite Checkers or Pick n Pay)Government departments such as the Department of Trade and Industry, National Treasury as well as the South African Reserve BankPositions in banks, financing companies and provincial trade and investment promotion organisationsExport credit insurance and risk analysts
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and International TradeMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6English level 3DURATION: 4 years24Vanderbijlpark EconomistEconomic or international trade consultantsAny position within the import and export process (e.g. logistics or procurement for retailers such as Shoprite Checkers or Pick n Pay)Government departments such as the Department of Trade and Industry, National Treasury as well as the South African Reserve BankPositions in banks, financing companies and provincial trade and investment promotion organisationsExport credit insurance and risk analysts
Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and InformaticsMathematics level 4Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomVanderbijlparkBusiness AnalystERP SpecialistWeb Content ManagerProject ManagerDatabase AnalystDatabase AdministratorApplication DeveloperIS Security ManagerE-Business ManagerApplication AnalystData AnalystInformation systems managerIT consultantIT technical support officer IS/IT AuditorSystems Analyst 
Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and Risk ManagementMathematics level 4PC – Language of instruction level 4VC – Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Bank managementFinancial risk managementCorporative and city treasurerFunds- and asset managementSAFEX tradeMoney-, capital- and stock marketEconomic advice
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Economic Scienceswith Economics and Risk ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6English level 3DURATION: 4 years24Vanderbijlpark Bank managementFinancial risk managementCorporative and city treasurerFunds- and asset managementSAFEX tradeMoney-, capital- and stock marketEconomic advice
Bachelor of Administrationwith Human Resource ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years21Mahikeng Training and developmentRecruitment and assessmentSafety and risk assessmentManagement and leadershipHuman resource managementArbitration and mediationLabour dispute resolution
Extended Bachelor of Administrationwith Human Resource ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Training and developmentRecruitment and assessmentSafety and risk assessmentManagement and leadershipHuman resource managementArbitration and mediationLabour dispute resolution
Bachelor of Administrationwith Industrial and Organisational PsychologyMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years21Mahikeng Training and developmentRecruitment and assessmentSafety and risk assessmentManagement and leadershipHuman resource managementArbitration and mediationLabour dispute resolution
Extended Bachelor of Administrationwith Industrial and Organisational PsychologyMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Training and developmentRecruitment and assessmentSafety and risk assessmentManagement and leadershipHuman resource managementArbitration and mediationLabour dispute resolution
Bachelor of Administration in Development and Managementwith Local Government ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years21Mahikeng AdministratorCommunity workerInternational correspondentPublic Administration consultantMediatorNon-profit administratorPolicy advisorResearcherTeacher/LecturerPoliticianAnalyst
Extended Bachelor of Administration in Development and Managementwith Local Government ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng AdministratorCommunity workerInternational correspondentPublic Administration consultantMediatorNon-profit administratorPolicy advisorResearcherTeacher/LecturerPoliticianAnalyst
Bachelor of Arts with Industrial and Organisational Psychology and Labour Relations ManagementAfrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years22PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Training and developmentRecruitment and assessmentSafety and risk assessmentManagement and leadershipHuman resource managementArbitration and mediationLabour dispute resolution
Bachelor of Arts with Tourism ManagementEnglish level 4DURATION: 3 years22Mahikeng Tourism managersTourism marketersMarketersResearchersLecturersConsultantsGuesthouse managersGame farm managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Marketing and Tourism ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomAlthough this qualification gives graduates access to the entire tourism industry, BCom qualifications are focused on the management of the industry and businesses.  It creates specific access to careers such as:Tourism managersTourism marketersMarketersResearchersLecturersConsultantsGuesthouse managersGame farm managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Tourism ManagementMathematics level 3Language of instruction level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomTourism managersTourism marketersMarketersResearchersLecturersConsultantsGuesthouse managersGame farm managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Tourism and Recreation SkillsMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomAlthough this qualification offers graduates access to the entire tourism industry, BCom qualifications are focused on the management of the industry and businesses. It creates specific access to careers such as tourism economists, tourism managers, marketers, researchers, lecturers, consultants, guesthouse managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Managementwith Labour Relations ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Labour relations specialist/practitioner -The provision of expert advice both in an organisational as well as a consulting capacity. This will include, among others, managing discipline and dismissal, dispute settlement, collective bargaining, dealings with trade unions, CCMA and Labour Court cases, employment conditions, and training and development.Analyst – Students can also study Labour Relations Management to prepare for a career providing insight into market trends as an analyst. These analysts may apply their knowledge of human behaviour to develop marketing strategies.Researcher, teacher or lecturer.
Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychologywith Labour Relations ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Labour relations specialist/practitioner -The provision of expert advice both in an organisational as well as a consulting capacity. This will include, among others, managing discipline and dismissal, dispute settlement, collective bargaining, dealings with trade unions, CCMA and Labour Court cases, employment conditions, and training and development.Analyst – Students can also study Labour Relations Management to prepare for a career providing insight into market trends as an analyst. These analysts may apply their knowledge of human behaviour to develop marketing strategies.Researcher, teacher or lecturer.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Business ManagementMathematics level 3MC – English level 4PC/VC – Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Mahikeng A business manager is responsible for the planning and organising of activities and people, as well as the leading and guidance of people.  Managers’ main tasks are problem-solving, to lead teams, to facilitate team processes and to regularly communicate with people.The degree gives you access to a wide variety of career opportunities, as management principles are applied in all organisations.
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Business ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng A business manager is responsible for the planning and organising of activities and people, as well as the leading and guidance of people.  Managers’ main tasks are problem-solving, to lead teams, to facilitate team processes and to regularly communicate with people.The degree gives you access to a wide variety of career opportunities, as management principles are applied in all organisations.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Communication ManagementMathematics level 3Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24PotchefstroomCommunications managers can work in various types of industries from the educational sector to food and beverage and technical industries.BCom qualifications are focused on the management of the industry and businesses. This degree creates specific access to careers such as: organisation managers, tourism managers, communications managers, marketers, researchers, lecturers, consultants, guesthouse managers and event managers in both private and public enterprises.
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Marketing ManagementMathematics level 3MC – English level 4PC/VC – Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark EntrepreneurshipBusiness managerResearch AssistantSales ManagerMarketing ManagerAny marketing related careers Lecturer
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Marketing ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng Vanderbijlpark EntrepreneurshipBusiness managerResearch AssistantSales ManagerMarketing ManagerAny marketing related careers Lecturer
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Sport and Business ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Vanderbijlpark Sport business managersAdministratorsTertiary institution sport bureau managersSchool sports managersProvincial sport development officers and managersHigh-performance institution managersProvincial level sports administratorsLocal sports club and community center managersNational level sport federation managersProfessional sport teams managers Sports franchise entity owners and managersBusiness ManagerBusiness consultantBusiness AnalystSales ExecutiveSport MarketerSport AdministratorRecreation ManagerPositions in the Hospitality sector 
Bachelor of Commerce in Management Scienceswith Safety ManagementMathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 6Afrikaans OR English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Vanderbijlpark  
Bachelor of Commerce in Information systems Mathematics level 4English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng  
Extended Bachelor of Commerce in Information systems Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 4English level 3DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng  
Bachelor of Commerce in Marketingwith TourismMathematics level 3Mathematical Literacy level 6English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng  
Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resources  Mathematics level 3Mathematical Literacy level 6English level 4DURATION: 3 years24Mahikeng 

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