NWU Natural and Agricultural Sciences Requirements

Admission requirements

Please note that the below admission requirements are subject to change pending selection and possible faculty-specific requirements.

Study information is subject to change and is a summary of the general fields of study. This information was compiled for introduction and orientation purposes and the North-West University accepts no liability for inaccuracies that may occur in this guide. The official yearbook of the University must in all cases be consulted during the process of compiling a programme for a specific field of study. The appropriate yearbook is available on request at: studies@mynwu.info / 018 285 4320 / applicationsug@nwu.ac.za.

Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements will not automatically be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their Grade 12 results for admission to these fields.

Visit the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

DegreeField RequirementsAPSCampusPossible Career Opportunities
Diploma in Animal Health English level 3Mathematics level 3Life Sciences OR Physical Sciences level 3DURATION: 3 years19Mahikeng  Animal Health TechnicianPharmaceutical companiesAnimal Feed companiesAnimal Breeding stationsBeef, sheep and goats, Pig, Poultry and Dairy production companiesAgricultural firmsResearch ScientistsConsultancy firmsNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureNational and International NGOsResearchers
Diploma in Animal Science English level 3Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 5Life Sciences OR Physical Sciences level 3 OR Agricultural Sciences level 4DURATION: 3 years19Mahikeng Animal Feed companiesAnimal Breeding stationsBeef, sheep and goats, Pig, Poultry and Dairy production companiesAgricultural firmsResearch ScientistsConsultancy firmsNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureNational and International NGOsResearch and Policy Institutions
Diploma in Plant ScienceCrop ProductionEnglish level 3Mathematics level 3 OR Mathematical Literacy level 5Life Sciences OR Physical Sciences level 3 OR Agricultural Sciences level 4DURATION: 3 years19Mahikeng  National and Provincial Departments of AgricultureForestry and Fisheries (DAFF)Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR)Agricultural Research Council (ARC)Fertilizer companiesCommercial farmsSeed companiesAgrochemical companiesAgro-processing companiesVarious NGOs that deal in and agriculture and rural development
Bachelor of Sciencewith Chemistry and Physics with Physics and Mathematicswith Physics and Applied Mathswith Physics and Computer Sciencewith Computer Science and MathematicsMathematics level 5Physical Science level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomMahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Biochemistry and ChemistryMathematics level 4Physical Science level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomMahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Chemistry, Mathematics and Applied Mathswith Geography and Applied MathematicsMathematics level 5Physical Science level 4DURATION: 3 years26Potchefstroom* See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Applied Mathematics and Chemistrywith Chemistry and Mathematicswith Applied Mathematics and Electronicswith Electronics and Mathematicswith Electronics and Physicswith Chemistry and Computer Sciencewith Computer Science and ElectronicsMathematics level 5Physical Science level 4DURATION: 3 years26Mahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Computer Science and StatisticsMathematics level 5Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark* See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Computer Science and EconomicsMathematics level 5DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark* See below
Bachelor of Sciencewith Mathematics and EconomicsMathematics level 5DURATION: 3 years26Potchefstroom* See below
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Mathematics level 4DURATION: 3 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Contact and *Distance learning26PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark*Distance learningProgrammerSoftware EngineerApplication developerSystems administratorSystems analyst and designerBusiness analystDatabase administrator and designerBusiness Intelligence developerProject leaderEntrepreneurInformation Technology ManagerResearcher
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Scienceswith Statistics and Mathematicswith MathematicsMathematics level 5Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Potchefstroom* See below
Bachelor of Science in Mathematical Scienceswith Applied Mathematics and MathematicsMathematics level 5Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Mahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Science in Biological Scienceswith Microbiology and Biochemistrywith Microbiology and Botany Mathematics level 4Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26PotchefstroomMahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Science in Biological Scienceswith Zoology and Biochemistrywith Chemistry and Physiologywith Zoology and Botanywith Zoology and Microbiologywith Zoology and Physiologywith Microbiology and Physiologywith Botany and BiochemistryMathematics level 4Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Potchefstroom* See below
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Scienceswith Microbiology and Chemistrywith Botany and Chemistrywith Geography and Computer Sciencewith Geography and Botany Mathematics level 4Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Mahikeng Potchefstroom * See below
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Scienceswith Zoology and Chemistrywith Geology and Chemistrywith Geology and Geographywith Zoology and Geographywith Geology and Botanywith Zoology and Geologywith Geology and Microbiologywith Tourism and Zoology with Tourism and Geography with Tourism and BotanyMathematics level 4Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Potchefstroom* See below
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Scienceswith Chemistry and GeographyMathematics level 5Physical Science at level 4DURATION: 3 years26Mahikeng * See below
Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics Mathematics level 6DURATION: 3 years32PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Financial Product DeveloperStructured Financing SpecialistFinancial Engineer Financial Mathematician
Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Risk Management Mathematics level 6DURATION: 3 years32PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark Market or Credit Risk Analyst/ManagerCommercial BankerCorporate Banker Treasury AnalystRisk Analyst/ManagerDecision Support AnalystInvestment AnalystFinancial Engineer
Bachelor of Science in Business Analyticswith Data MiningMathematics level 6DURATION: 3 years32PotchefstroomVanderbijlpark  Data ScientistAnalytics AnalystQuantitative StrategistCredit Risk Analyst/ManagerDecision Support Analyst Financial StatisticianData Mining AnalystE-Commerce Business AnalystFraud AnalystDatabase Marketing AnalystStrategic Business Analyst
Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science Mathematics level 6DURATION: 3 years32PotchefstroomActuaryRisk Manager
Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning Mathematics level 5DURATION: 4 yearsSELECTION TEST28PotchefstroomRegional Planner Remote-Sensing AnalystTown and Regional Planner / Urban and City Planner at:Government institutions – National and Provincial departments, local municipalities, Development AgenciesPrivate sector – Corporate environment (e.g. Vodacom, MTN, ABSA, AngloGold etc.), Private consultancy firms (Town Planners), Architects, Land surveyors, Engineering companies, Estate Agents, Developers and other related built environment professionsResearch institutions and Universities
Bachelor of Science in Agriculturewith Agricultural Economicswith Animal Sciencewith Animal Healthwith Agronomy and HorticultureMathematics level 4English level 4Physical Sciences OR Life Sciences level 4DURATION: 4 years22Mahikeng  Animal Health TechnicianPharmaceutical companiesAnimal Feed companiesAnimal Breeding stationsBeef, sheep and goats, Pig, Poultry and Dairy production companiesAgricultural firmsResearch ScientistsConsultancy firmsNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureResearchersNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureForestry and Fisheries (DAFF)Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR)Agricultural Research Council (ARC)fertilizer companiescommercial farmsseed companiesagrochemical companiesagro-processing companiesvarious NGOs that deal in and agriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness firmsCommercial banksSupport services (e.g S.A Cane growers association)Marketing researchEcotourismDevelopment Corporations and Finance Institutions
Bachelor of Science in Agriculturewith Agronomy and Soil Science with Agricultural Economics and Agronomy Mathematics level 4English level 4Physical Science level 4DURATION: 4 years22Potchefstroom Animal Health TechnicianPharmaceutical companiesAnimal Feed companiesAnimal Breeding stationsBeef, sheep and goats, Pig, Poultry and Dairy production companiesAgricultural firmsResearch ScientistsConsultancy firmsNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureResearchersNational and Provincial Departments of AgricultureForestry and Fisheries (DAFF)Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR)Agricultural Research Council (ARC)fertilizer companiescommercial farmsseed companiesagrochemical companiesagro-processing companiesvarious NGOs that deal in and agriculture and rural developmentAgribusiness firmsCommercial banksSupport services (e.g S.A Cane growers association)Marketing researchEcotourismDevelopment Corporations and Finance Institutions
Bachelor of Indigenous Knowledge SystemsIndigenous Knowledge SystemsEnglish level 4Matriculation with exemption OR Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) OR GCE certification and an application for conditional exemption with HESA (https://mb.usaf.ac.za/)DURATION: 4 years20Mahikeng  EducationCultural tourismAgricultureArtCultureHealthHeritageGovernment departmentsNon-governmental organisations (NGOs)Traditional authorities & local municipalities,Research organizations such as (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) or Human ScienceResearch Council (HSRC)
Extended Bachelor of Sciencewith Botany and Microbiologywith Applied Mathematics and Chemistrywith Applied Mathematics and Electronicswith Computer Science and Mathematicswith Chemistry and Computer Sciencewith Chemistry and Mathematicswith Physics and Applied Mathematicswith Physics and Mathematicswith Biochemistry and Chemistrywith Chemistry and Physicswith Physics and Computer Sciencewith Computer Science and Electronicswith Electronics and Physicswith Electronics and Mathematicswith Applied Mathematics and Mathematicswith Botany and Chemistrywith Geography and Botanywith Computer Science and Geographywith Microbiology and Chemistrywith Chemistry and Geography with Microbiology and Biochemistry with Botany and BiochemistryMathematics level 3English level 4Physical Sciences level 3DURATION: 4 years22Mahikeng * See below
Extended Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Mathematics level 3DURATION: 4 years24Vanderbijlpark ProgrammerSoftware EngineerApplication developerSystems administratorSystems analyst and designerBusiness analystDatabase administrator and designerBusiness Intelligence developerProject leaderEntrepreneurInformation Technology ManagerResearcher
Extended Bachelor of Science in Business Analyticswith Data MiningMathematics level 4DURATION: 4 years28Vanderbijlpark Data ScientistAnalytics AnalystQuantitative StrategistCredit Risk Analyst/ManagerDecision Support AnalystFinancial StatisticianData Mining AnalystE-Commerce Business AnalystFraud AnalystDatabase Marketing AnalystStrategic Business Analyst
Extended Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Risk Management Mathematics level 4DURATION: 4 years28Vanderbijlpark Market or Credit Risk Analyst/ManagerCommercial BankerCorporate Banker Treasury AnalystRisk Analyst/ManagerDecision Support AnalystInvestment AnalystFinancial Engineer
Extended Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics Mathematics level 4DURATION: 4 years28Vanderbijlpark Financial Product DeveloperStructured Financing SpecialistFinancial EngineerFinancial Mathematician
*There are a variety of POSSIBLE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES for someone with a BSc, especially at the NWU, because our programmes have combinations of 2 majors. Here is an approximate structure for our mainstream BSc degrees:PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCESObtaining the qualification BSc in Physical and Chemical Sciences offers you diverse career opportunities available in various industries and organisations, such as:Petrochemical industry (SASOL, AECI, OMNIA, Sentrachem, SAB)Universities and secondary schoolsGovernment organisations (SABS, MRC, NECSA, MINTEK)Pharmaceutical industriesWater boardsForensic laboratoriesTextile industryAgriculture sectorPlant & Process managersLaboratory assistantsChemical analyst and/or modulatorPhysicists, specifically, are needed in the following fields/institutions:NECSA (Nuclear Energy Commission of South Africa) e.g. the manufacture of silicon discs by method of radiation with the Safari-1 reactorARC; Agricultural Research Council for general development of applicable technologiesHartRAO; Hartebeeshoek Radio Astronomic Observatory for researchIMT; Geo physicist, oceanic and space technology at the Institute of Maritime TechnologyMRC; medical research (including hospitals) with focus on radiation technology (health physicist)NVS; National Accelerator Centre for research and radiation technologySAAO; Research in astronomy and astro physicsSABS; Development of technologies implemented by the South African Buro of StandardsSAWB; Development of weather and climate modelsCSIR; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in development of various technologies such as aerodynamics and laser technologyEskom; Nuclear reactor industry such as Koeberg and PalindabaSADF (South African Defence Force) Technology development and lecturing at the Military Academy in SaldanhaDe Beers Industrial Diamond Division (now Element Six)  Basic and applied research on diamondsTelkom; Telecommunication, satellite technology, optic fibre, laser technology and nano technologyBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND GEO AND SPATIAL (ENVIRONMENTAL) SCIENCES:GeologistEnvironmental GeologistEngineering GeologistMinerology and GeochemistryResearch GeologyZoologistBotanistMicrobiologistBio-geographer/EcologistCartographerClimatologistCoastal Zone ManagerCollege/University Lecturer/ResearcherCommunity DevelopmentConservation OfficerConservationistConsultant in a range of geographical fieldsDevelopment FacilitatorDelivery ManagerDiplomat Earth ScientistEconomic Development PlannerEnvironmental EducatorEnvironmental Impact AnalystEnvironmental ManagerEnvironmental PlannerForeign Service OfficersGeographic Information SpecialistGeo-physicistGeomorphologistHazardous Waste Planner Health Services PlannerHydrologistLand Use PlannerMap EditorMap LibrarianMap, Air Photo & Satellite Image InterpreterMarket ResearcherMeteorologistMilitary PlannerNatural Resource ManagerPoliceSocial EcologistSocial ScientistSoil ScientistTeacher (elementary & secondary)Tourism Development / Tour GuideTraffic ManagerTransportation PlannerTravel AgentWater Resource ManagerMATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL SCIENCES:EducationMathematician

*For distance learning visit distance.nwu.ac.za

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