SAQA Generic Management level 5

The scope of generic management covers five domains: leadership, managing the environment, managing relations, managing knowledge and the practice of management.

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National Certificate: Generic Management 
59201 National Certificate: Generic Management 
SGB Generic Management 
The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at the end of this report. OQSF – Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate Field 03 – Business, Commerce and Management Studies Generic Management 
Undefined 162 Level 5 Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Reregistered SAQA 06120/18 2018-07-01 2025/2026-06-30 
2025/2026-06-30  2027-06-30  
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification replaces: 
Qual IDQualification TitlePre-2009 NQF LevelNQF LevelMin CreditsReplacement Status
61594 National Certificate: Management Level 5 Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 120  

A person acquiring this qualification will be able to manage first line managers in an organisational entity. First line managers may include team leaders, supervisors, junior managers, section heads and foremen. The focus of this qualification is to enable learners to develop competence in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values including:
Initiating, developing, implementing and evaluating operational strategies, projects and action plans, and where appropriate, recommending change within teams and/or the unit so as to improve the effectiveness of the unit.
Monitoring and measuring performance and applying continuous or innovative improvement interventions in the unit in order to attain its desired outcomes, including customer satisfaction, and thereby contributing towards the achievement of the objectives and vision of the entity.
Leading a team of first line managers, by capitalising on the talents of team members and promoting synergistic interaction between individuals and teams, to enhance individual, team and unit effectiveness in order to achieve the goals of the entity.
Building relationships using communication processes both vertically and horizontally within the unit, with superiors and with stakeholders across the value chain to ensure the achievement of intended outcomes.
Applying the principles of risk, financial and knowledge management and business ethics within internal and external regulatory frameworks in order to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the unit.
Enhancing the development of teams and team members through facilitating the acquisition of skills, coaching, providing career direction, and capitalising on diversity in the unit.

The skills, knowledge and understanding demonstrated within this qualification are essential for the creation of a talent pool of experienced and effective middle managers that represents the demographics of the South African society. This qualification will create a leadership cadre for the South African society throughout multiple industries and sectors both private and public.


The National Certificate: Generic Management, NQF Level 5 forms part of a learning pathway of management qualifications across various sectors and industries. It is specifically designed to develop management competencies required by learners in any occupation, particularly those who manage first line managers. The qualification builds on the FETC: Generic Management and further develops the key concepts, principles and practices of management that will enable learners to lead, manage, organise and control first line managers and team leaders. The learners will typically be managers who have other junior managers or team leaders reporting to them. In smaller organisations or entities, the managers could primarily be responsible for managing the supervisors and staff within their section, division or business unit.

The scope of generic management covers five domains: leadership, managing the environment, managing relations, managing knowledge and the practice of management. This qualification addresses each of these domains with generic competencies, so that it allows learning programmes to be contextualised for specific sectors and industries. It reflects a similar design to the FETC: Generic Management, in that it provides opportunities for learners to transfer between various specialisations within management. This leads to the strengthening of management competencies and will enable managers at this level to manage successfully systems, processes, resources, managers and teams in their various occupations and contexts.

This qualification is further intended to empower learners to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values required to operate confidently as individuals in South African communities and to respond to the challenging economic environment and constantly changing world of work. Ultimately, this qualification is aimed at improving the effectiveness and leadership abilities of middle managers in various occupations in South Africa, in private and public business entities as well as non-governmental organisations. For this reason, the word ‘entity’ includes a company, business unit, public institution, small business or non-profit organisation. 
It is assumed that the learner accessing this qualification is competent in:
Communication at NQF Level 4.Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4.

Recognition of Prior Learning:

The qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning in terms of the defined Exit Level Outcomes and/or individual unit standards.

Evidence can be presented in various ways, including international and/or previous national qualifications, products, reports, testimonials mentioning functions performed, work records, portfolios and/or performance records.

All such evidence will be judged in accordance with the general principles of assessment and the requirements for integrated assessment.

Access to the Qualification:

Access to the qualification is open keeping in mind the Learning Assumed to be in Place. 
Fundamental Component:

The unit standards included in the fundamental component of the qualification total 49 credits. They are compulsory and must be contextualised according to the specialisation or the selected learning programme.

Core Component:

The unit standards in the core component total 78 credits and are compulsory. They must be contextualised according to the specialisation or selected learning programme.

Elective Component:

The elective component of the qualification consists of a number of unit standards, divided into specialisations. The learner must choose a specialisation and complete unit standards totalling a minimum of 35 credits from the unit standards listed under that specialisation.

Advanced Sport Management Administration (Learning Programme ID 60277):
ID 252182: Establish sustainable sport organisations structures, Level 5, 6 creditsID 252176: Manage the business components of a sport organisation, Level 5 , 6 creditsID 252181: Explain the role of governance structures in sport, Level 5, 5 creditsID 115855: Create, maintain and update record keeping systems, Level 5, 5 creditsID 242650: Manage project finances, Level 5, 15 creditsID 252179: Manage volunteers in sport, Level 5, 5 creditsID 252177: Manage participants with disability in sport, Level 5 , 8 creditsID 252178: Support sport and fitness participation for people living with HIV/AIDS, Level 5, 4 credits

Adventure Based Learning (ABL) (Learning Programme ID 60278):
ID 252188: Develop a programme for Adventure Based Learning (ADL) experiences, Level 5, 8 creditsID 252184: Facilitate participation in an adventure based activity, Level 5, 6 creditsID 252187: Plan and conduct leading and mentoring of participants in outdoor adventure experiences, Level 5, 4 creditsID 252186: Prepare to lead and conduct physical activities, Level 5, 4 creditsID 252185: Promote sustainable use of the environment, Level 5, 3 creditsID 252183: Maintain safety in the conduct of Adventure Based Learning activities, Level 5, 5 creditsID 252189: Deal with sub standard performance in a team , Level 5, 5 credits

Cement Manufacturing (Learning Programme ID 60272):
ID 10462: Demonstrate an understanding of cement process technology, NQF Level 4, 22 credits.ID 10464: Demonstrate an understanding of lime process technology, NQF Level 4, 16 credits.ID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Customer Management (Learning Programme ID 60273):
ID 10045: Identify product features, advantages and benefits to the customer, NQF Level 5, 10 credits.ID 10047: Close a deal with a customer, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 10070: Develop and implement marketing plan in line with marketing strategy, NQF Level 5, 20 credits.ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, NQF Level 5, 6 credits.ID 10052: Monitor handling of customer by frontline customer service, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10053: Manage customer requirements and needs and implement action plans, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10054: Identify and manage areas of customer service impact, NQF Level 5, 6 credits.ID 10066: Establish customer needs and relationships, NQF Level 5, 16 credits.ID 10067: Develop customer needs and relationships, NQF Level 5, 16 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Customer Management: Banking (Learning Programme ID 96099):
ID 10045: Identify product features, advantages and benefits to the customer, NQF Level 5, 10 credits.ID 10047: Close a deal with a customer, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 10070: Develop and implement marketing plan in line with marketing strategy, NQF Level 5, 20 credits.ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, NQF Level 5, 6 credits.ID 10052: Monitor handling of customer by frontline customer service, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10053: Manage customer requirements and needs and implement action plans, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10054: Identify and manage areas of customer service impact, NQF Level 5, 6 credits.ID 10066: Establish customer needs and relationships, NQF Level 5, 16 credits.ID 10067: Develop customer needs and relationships, NQF Level 5, 16 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Disaster Risk Management (Learning Programme ID 60274):
ID 251963: Utilise communication and information management systems, Level 5, 10 creditsID 251965: Create awareness and promote a culture of risk avoidance through advocacy activities, Level 4, 6 creditsID 251964: Develop and implement disaster risk reduction plans, Level5, 10 creditsID 251962: Establish and co-ordinate forums for disaster risk management in a specific environment, Level 5, 6 creditsID 251966: Implement disaster risk management principles in response, recovery, relief and rehabilitation activities, Level 5, 15 creditsID 251967: Conduct disaster risk assessment, Level5, 15 creditsID 251968: Develop and manage funding mechanisms for disaster risk management, Level6, 10 creditsID 251961: Interpret and integrate disaster risk management theory into programmes and activities according to the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Framework, Level 5, 15 credits

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (Learning Programme ID 60271):
ID 119801: Demonstrate an understanding of Microbiological principles and its application to a food handling environment, NQF Level 5, 12 credits.ID 119800: Optimise product and process quality in food or sensitive consumer product environment, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 119796: Monitor and control quality assurance procedures in a food or sensitive consumer product environment, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.ID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Financial Management for Sport Federations (Learning Programme ID 60275):
ID 252038: Prepare and manage a budget, Level 5, 5 creditsID 252181: Explain the role of governance structures in sport, Level 5, 5 creditsID 252176: Manage the business components of a sport organisation, Level 5, 6 creditsID 242650: Manage project finances, Level 5, 15 creditsID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 12761: Demonstrate an understanding of macroeconomic principles as they apply to the South African business environment, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Franchising (Learning Programme ID 80426):
ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10053: Manage customer requirements and needs and implement action plans, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 10054: Identify and manage areas of customer service impact, Level 5, 6 credits.ID 262380: Produce a business plan for a small business, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 115855: Create, maintain and update record keeping systems, Level 5, 5 credits.ID 243265: Manage assets of a business unit, Level 5, 12 credits.

General Management (Learning Programme ID 60269):
ID 252030: Analyse compliance to legal requirements and recommend corrective actions, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 252041: Promote a learning culture in an organisation, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 114212: Explain the impact of organisational wellness on a business environment and indicate a strategy for a business unit NQF Level 4, 3 credits.ID 12140: Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions, NQF Level 5, 9 credits.ID 12761: Demonstrate an understanding of macroeconomic principles as they apply to the South African business environment, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 252033: Develop ways of dealing with the impact of dreaded diseases and in particular HIV/AIDS, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 114226: Interpret and manage conflicts in the workplace, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 252031: Apply the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 117853: Conduct negotiations to deal with conflict situations, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 15230: Monitor team members and measure effectiveness of performance, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 264408: Manage and improve communication processes in a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 15224: Empower team members through recognising strengths, encouraging participation in decision making and delegating tasks, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15236: Apply financial analysis, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

General Management: Banking (Learning Programme ID 96100):
ID 252030: Analyse compliance to legal requirements and recommend corrective actions, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 252041: Promote a learning culture in an organisation, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 114212: Explain the impact of organisational wellness on a business environment and indicate a strategy for a business unit NQF Level 4, 3 credits.ID 12140: Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions, NQF Level 5, 9 credits.ID 12761: Demonstrate an understanding of macroeconomic principles as they apply to the South African business environment, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 252033: Develop ways of dealing with the impact of dreaded diseases and in particular HIV/AIDS, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.ID 10048: Identify brand mix elements, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 114226: Interpret and manage conflicts in the workplace, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 252031: Apply the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 117853: Conduct negotiations to deal with conflict situations, NQF Level 5, 8 credits.ID 15230: Monitor team members and measure effectiveness of performance, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 264408: Manage and improve communication processes in a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 15224: Empower team members through recognising strengths, encouraging participation in decision making and delegating tasks, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15236: Apply financial analysis, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Generic Manufacturing (Learning Programme ID 60270):
ID 12999: Contribute to the management of cost and the enhancement of value, NQF Level 5, 10 credits.ID 119159: Maintain Manufacturing Efficiencies, NQF Level 5, 12 credits.ID 119166: Optimise Manufacturing processes, NQF Level 5, 24 credits.ID 9897: Manage Inventory, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.

Mining Management (Learning Programme ID 64869):
ID 7863: Manage staff development; Level 5; 6 creditsID 10043: Develop, implement and manage a project/activity plan; Level 5; 5 creditsID 11286: Institute disciplinary action; Level 5; 8 creditsID 12140: Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions; Level 5; 9 creditsID 12996: Record, analyse and prepare cost information; Level 5; 10 creditsID 12997: Prepare financial reports and returns; Level 5; 8 creditsID 13015: Draft financial statements; Level 5; 12 creditsID 15214: Recognise areas in need of change, make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division; Level 5; 3 creditsID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice; Level 5; 4 creditsID 15223: Implement training needs for teams and individuals to upgrade skills levels; Level 5; 3 creditsID 15226: Implement systems to meet the flow of information in a team, department or division; Level 5; 3 creditsID 15229: Implement codes of conduct in the team, department or division; Level 5; 3 creditsID 15230: Monitor team members and measure effectiveness of performance; Level 5; 4 credits

Motor Industry Management (Learning Programme ID 78824):
ID 243265: Manage assets of a business unit, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 243266: Align activities of own business unit with others in the retail business, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 243267: Apply and continuously improve company policies and procedures, Level 5, 10 credits.ID 243268: Manage the capture, storage and retrieval of business unit information, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 243269: Measure customer satisfaction within a business unit and recommend corrective action, Level 5, 14 credits.ID 243270: Analyse market needs and trends and source and price pre-owned vehicles, Level 5, 14 credits.ID 243351: Enhance relationships with strategic partners of a motor retail business, Level 6, 14 credits.ID 243352: Develop a motor retail business brand, Level 6, 14 credits.ID 243353: Develop the motor retail business to deliver brand promise, Level 6, 16 credits.ID 243354: Provide, use and manage information and information systems for a motor retail business, Level 6, 10 credits.ID 243355: Manage and improve motor retail business operations to optimise profit performance, Level 6, 12 credits.ID 243471: Manage and improve communication processes for a motor retail business, Level 6, 10 credits.ID 243472: Lead and develop human resources to meet the critical skills shortages and diverse needs of the motor retail business, Level 6, 12 credits.ID 243473: Integrate, co-ordinate and optimise all the business units within a retail motor business, Level 6, 10 credits.ID 243474: Contribute to and implement a marketing strategy for the motor retail business, Level 6, 16 credits.ID 243475: Review and revise a performance management system for the motor retail business, Level 6, 10 credits.

NQF Support Link (Learning Programme ID 78823):
ID 263976: Demonstrate understanding of the outcomes-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualifications Framework, Level 5, 5 credits.ID 114925: Manage learner information using an information management system, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 114922: Provide guidance on the strategic governance of NQF implementation by education, training and development providers, Level 6, 4 credits.ID 116811: Manage learning at an education, training and development provider, Level 6, 10 credits.ID 263982: Manage assessment in a learning organisation, Level 6, 10 credits.ID 263978: Develop plans for implementing Learnerships and Skills Programmes within a learning organisation, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 116587: Develop, support and promote RPL practices, Level 7, 10 credits.

Real Estate (Learning Programme ID 71609):
ID 258115: Manage the marketing, selling and leasing of property developments, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258116: Manage community schemes, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258117: Manage a Real Estate franchise business, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258118: Market, sell and lease community schemes, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258119: Manage an auctioneering business or division, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258120: Integrate the principles of Agricultural property ownership into Real Estate sales and marketing functions, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258121: Manage Real Estate business operations, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258122: Manage a business broking business or division, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258123: Demonstrate an understanding of real estate economics in the South African context, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258124: Manage the marketing, selling and leasing of properties, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258125: Integrate the principles of Commercial/Industrial property ownership into Real Estate sales and marketing functions, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258126: Apply facilities management principles, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258135: Develop, implement and control administration of Real Estate systems, policies and procedures, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258136: Perform market assessments, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 258137: Collate, interpret and utilise financial information in a Real Estate business, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 258138: Implement and maintain legal requirements within a Real Estate business, Level 5, 6 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Salon Management (Learning Programme ID 80747):

1. The learner must complete the following elective unit standard:ID 255514: Conduct a disciplinary hearing, Level 5, 15 Credits.

2. The learner must complete additional unit standards from the list below to give a total of 35 credits for the elective component:ID 15214: Recognise areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, Level 5, 3 Credits.ID 116928: Manage diversity in the workplace Level 5, 14 Credits.ID 252031: Apply the principles and concepts of emotional intelligence to the management of self and others, Level 5, 4 Credits.ID 116484: Evaluate a specified code of ethics and/or code of conduct, Level 5, 6 Credits.ID 114600: Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business, Level 4, 4 Credits.ID 252030: Analyse compliance to legal requirements and recommend corrective actions, Level 5, 4 Credits.ID 114885: Prepare and communicate a productivity improvement plan for a functional unit, Level 5, 6 Credits.ID 263376: Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management system, Level 5, 8 Credits.ID 114226: Interpret and manage conflicts within the workplace, Level 5, 8 Credits.ID 15234: Apply efficient time management to the work of a department/division/section, Level 5, 4 Credits.ID 255514: Conduct a disciplinary hearing, Level 5, 15 Credits.ID 252039: Develop a plan to combat corruption, Level 5, 5 Credits.ID 10045: Identify product features, advantages and benefits to the customer, Level 5, 10 Credits.ID 243948: Monitor and maintain health, safety and security, Level 5, 4 Credits.ID 10067: Develop customer needs and relationships, Level 5, 16 Credits.

Security Management (Learning Programme ID 74511):
ID 120480: Demonstrate understanding of crime prevention, Level 5, 6 credits.ID 242830: Conduct a security threat assessment in a defined operational area, Level 4, 6 credits.ID 13952: Demonstrate basic understanding of the Primary labour legislation that impacts on a business unit, Level 4, 8 credits.ID 244315: Assess threat for security installation purposes, Level 5, 7 credits.ID 244330: Compile a threat and risk assessment for a close protection operation, Level 5, 5 credits.ID 120484: Demonstrate understanding of the principles of common law crimes and statutory law offences, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 120303: Apply principles of risk management, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 15228: Advise on the establishment and implementation of a quality management system for skills development practices in an organisation, Level 5, 10 credits.ID 15221: Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15227: Conduct skills development administration in an organisation, Level 4, 4 credits.ID 242829: Monitor the level of service to a range of customers, Level 4, 5 credits.ID 114925: Manage learner information using an information management system, Level 5, 4 credits.

Service Station Management (Learning Programme ID 66310):
ID 244031: Manage dangerous goods logistics, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 114274: Demonstrate and apply an understanding of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (Act 75 of 1997), Level 5, 8 credits.ID 255514: Conduct a disciplinary hearing, Level 5, 15 credits.ID 114592: Produce business plans for a new venture, Level 4, 8 credits.ID 242668: Demonstrate knowledge and application of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993 (OHSA) (as amended) and the responsibilities of management in terms of the Act, Level 4, 4 credits.ID 255500: Manage procedures that increase the nett income of a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 8 credits.ID 255499: Manage shrinkage and losses in a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 12 credits.ID 252025/2026: Evaluate current practices against best practice, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 252030: Analyse compliance to legal requirements and recommend corrective actions, Level 5, 4 credits.

Skills Development Management (Learning Programme ID 66069):
ID 11911: Manage individual careers; Level 5; 5 creditsID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division; Level 5; 4 creditsID 15220: Set, monitor and measure the achievement of goals and objectives for a team, department or division within an organisation; Level 5; 4 creditsID 15232: Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation; Level 5; 6 creditsID 116926: Implement skills development as workplace learning to support organisational transformation; Level 5; 12 creditsID 252041: Promote a learning culture in an organisation, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.

Skills Development Management: Banking (Learning Programme ID 96101):
ID 11911: Manage individual careers; Level 5; 5 creditsID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division; Level 5; 4 creditsID 15220: Set, monitor and measure the achievement of goals and objectives for a team, department or division within an organisation; Level 5; 4 creditsID 15232: Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation; Level 5; 6 creditsID 116926: Implement skills development as workplace learning to support organisational transformation; Level 5; 12 creditsID 252041: Promote a learning culture in an organisation, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.

Sport Event Management (Learning Programme ID 60276):
ID 252175: Apply principles of marketing to sport, Level 5, 4 creditsID 242650: Manage project finances, Level 5, 15 creditsID 252180: Coordinate the logistics of a sports team on tour, Level 5, 8 creditsID 252179: Manage volunteers in sport, Level 5 , 5 creditsID 243948: Monitor and maintain health, safety and security, Level 5, 4 creditsID 15230: Monitor team members and measure effectiveness of performance, Level 5, 4 creditsID 254454: Co-ordinate public relations and liaison with the media for athletes and sport teams, Level 5, 5 creditsID 254463: Organise and administer a sport tournament, Level 5, 8 credits

Strategic Management (Learning Programme ID 74512):
ID 264395: Formulate a strategy and an implementation plan for a function, Level 6, 6 credits.ID 264398: Evaluate and plan the role of self as leader in a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264400: Apply the principles of corporate governance and ethics in a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264403: Apply problem-solving techniques to make decisions on a multi-faceted problem, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264405: Manage relationships with strategic partners to improve the performance of a function, Level 6, 6 credits.ID 264406: Manage the information and institutional knowledge within a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264407: Analyse the strategy and external environment of the entity in relation to a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 264408: Manage and improve communication processes in a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 264409: Use negotiation in multi-faceted situations to achieve the objectives of a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264416: Appraise, develop and retain human capital for a function, Level 6, 6 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15236: Apply financial analysis, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Strategic Management: Banking (Learning Programme ID 96102):
ID 264395: Formulate a strategy and an implementation plan for a function, Level 6, 6 credits.ID 264398: Evaluate and plan the role of self as leader in a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264400: Apply the principles of corporate governance and ethics in a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264403: Apply problem-solving techniques to make decisions on a multi-faceted problem, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264405: Manage relationships with strategic partners to improve the performance of a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264406: Manage the information and institutional knowledge within a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264407: Analyse the strategy and external environment of the entity in relation to a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 264408: Manage and improve communication processes in a function, Level 6, 3 credits.ID 264409: Use negotiation in multi-faceted situations to achieve the objectives of a function, Level 6, 5 credits.ID 264416: Appraise, develop and retain human capital for a function, Level 6, 6 credits.ID 15214: Recognize areas in need of change make recommendations and implement change in the team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 3 credits.ID 15219: Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.ID 15236: Apply financial analysis, NQF Level 5, 4 credits.

Wholesale and Retail Management (Learning Programme ID 63334):
ID 10980: Induct a new employee, Level 4, 6 credits.ID 12140: Recruit and select candidates to fill defined positions, Level 5, 9 creditsID 255494: Schedule staff, Level 5, 10 creditsID 255495: Demonstrate an understanding of the sectoral determination for the wholesale and retail sector, Level 5, 8 creditsID 255496: Manage a training intervention, Level 5, 8 creditsID 255497: Manage stock holding procedures in a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 6 creditsID 255498: Manage cold chain processes in a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 6 creditsID 255499: Manage shrinkage and losses in a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 12 creditsID 255500: Manage procedures that increase the net income of a wholesale and retail unit, Level 5, 8 creditsID 255514: Conduct a disciplinary hearing, Level 5, 15 creditsID 243948: Monitor and maintain health, safety and security, Level 5, 4 credits.ID 335917: Manage productivity in a Wholesale and Retail unit, Level 5, 8 credits.

Additional specialisations in Contact Centre Management, Human Resource Management and Public Administration will be added at a later stage. 
1. Initiate, develop, implement and evaluate operational strategies, projects and action plans so as to improve the effectiveness of the unit.

2. Monitor and measure performance and apply continuous or innovative improvement interventions in the unit.

3. Lead and manage a team of first line managers to enhance individual, team and unit effectiveness.

4. Build relationships with superiors and with stakeholders across the value chain.

5. Apply the principles of risk, financial and knowledge management and business ethics within internal and external regulatory frameworks.

6. Enhance the development of teams and team members.

Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:

The learner will be expected to demonstrate the ability to:
Identify and solve problems and make responsible ethical decisions within own scope of responsibility.Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation or community to achieve unit objectives.Organise and manage oneself and one’s activities responsibly and effectively to plan, lead, organise and control in order to achieve unit objectives.Collect, organise and critically evaluate information in order to manage performance in the unit.Communicate effectively using visual, mathematics and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentations to lead a team of first line managers.The learner will be required to demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by managing others in multiple teams within a unit.Be culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts in managing and interacting with diverse people in the workplace.Use science and technology effectively in researching, recommending and implementing management solutions in the unit, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others. 
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Priorities are identified by considering a broad range of factors in solving problems and making decisions on operational strategies.The need for and the benefits of change are explained and recommendations are made to achieve intended results.The initiatives to be undertaken by the unit are linked to organisational goals and objectives.Operational strategies, projects and action plans are initiated and developed.Operational strategies, projects and action plans are implemented and evaluated.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
The performance of the teams and the unit is monitored and measured according to entity’s systems and procedures.Innovative and/or continuous improvement strategies are applied according to generally accepted theory and practice.Results are evaluated in relation to intended outcomes.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
The talents of each team member are evaluated according to the needs and operational requirements of the unit.The team is provided with direction towards fulfilment of organisational goals.Resources are identified and used by the leader to accomplish the objectives of the unit.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
Relationships are built through the provision and solicitation of unit-relevant information.Communication processes that contribute towards building relationships are implemented both vertically and horizontally.Team effectiveness and desired outcomes are achieved through partnership and information sharing.Customer needs are interpreted and distilled through effective communication processes in order to ensure that relationships are sustained.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
Risk in the unit is managed by considering the impact and likelihood of a variety of internal and external factors.The intended outcomes of the unit are achieved by applying accepted principles and practices of financial management.The intellectual assets of the unit are identified, developed and protected through the application of the principles of knowledge management.The desired outcomes of the unit are achieved within an individual ethical framework and according to the value system of the entity.

Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
The acquisition and enhancement of skills is facilitated through people development processes.Direction is given to first line managers on their possible career progression within the entity through coaching and other personal interaction.The diversity in the team is recognised and harnessed in order to add value to team effectiveness.

Integrated Assessment:

Assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable and should ensure that the learner is not disadvantaged in any way. Integrated assessment provides the opportunity for learners to demonstrate that they are able to integrate concepts, actions and ideas achieved across a range of unit standards and contexts. Integrated assessment must evaluate the quality of competence attained by the learner.

The assessment strategies used must ensure that that all Specific Outcomes, Essential Embedded Knowledge and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are assessed. The assessment of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of the Specific Outcomes.

The learner who has provided the required evidence for all the exit level outcomes of the qualification will be assessed as competent and awarded the qualification. This will ensure that learning and competence are not achieved only in the building blocks of the unit standards but also in the integration and application of the fundamental, core and elective building blocks to a particular context, i.e. the exit level outcomes. 

Did You Know : Top 15 Free Online Learning Platforms

  1. Free Online Education Degrees : Coursera:

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    Founded by MIT and Harvard, edX offers high-quality courses from top universities and institutions around the world. Certificates are available for a fee.

  3. Free Online Education Degrees : Khan Academy:

    Khan Academy provides free educational content in various subjects, especially mathematics and science, using instructional videos and practice exercises.

  4. Free Online Education Degrees : Udacity:

    Udacity focuses on tech-related courses and nanodegree programs, offering free content as well as more in-depth paid programs.

  5. Free Online Education Degrees : MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW):

    MIT OCW provides a vast array of MIT's course content for free, covering a wide range of disciplines.

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    Alison offers a wide range of free online courses, including diploma and certificate programs, covering various subjects.

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