UCT Admission Requirements

UCT Admission Requirements

For applicants writing the National Senior Certificate we use an Admission Points Score (APS), a Faculty Points Score (FPS) and a Weighted Points Score (WPS) to assess your performance at school. The 3 scores are described in detail below.

To calculate your APS, add the six best subject percentages, excluding Life Orientation and score equal for “Advanced Programme” (AP) subjects, but including English and any other required subject(s) for the relevant programme. (In other words for a programme where Mathematics and Physical Sciences are required, take the score for English, Mathematics, Physical Science and the next best three subjects other than Life Orientation to compare your APS). Results below 40% for any subject do not attract a score.

To calculate your FPS, the APS will be adjusted as described below. Three faculties at UCT adjust the APS when calculating the FPS. For the rest (Commerce, Humanities and Law), the APS equals the FPS.

All undergraduate applicants who are normally resident, or at school, in South Africa must write NBTs, and all applicants to programmes in Health Sciences must write the NBTs wherever they reside. In order to calculate the FPS for the Faculty of Science, double the scores achieved for Mathematics and Physical Sciences. In the Faculties of Engineering & the Built Environment, and Health Sciences, the NBT score forms part of the FPS.

In order to calculate the WPS, adjust the FPS by the disadvantage factor applicable to you. This is a percentage between 0% and 10%, except for applications for admission to the MBChB Programme, where the range is between 0% and 20%. See examples below: Click Here to Apply


The admission requirements differ depending on what you want to study. The criteria for certificate courses, diplomas and degrees is listed below:Faculty of Commerce 

Faculty of Commerce
      Bachelor of Business Science specializing in:Economics with Law FinanceFinance with Accounting Information Systems MarketingOrganizational Psychology AnalyticsBachelor of Commerce specializing in: Financial Accounting: General Accounting Financial Accounting: Chartered Accounting Financial Accounting: Accounting with Law Economics with LawEconomics and Finance Economics and Statistics Information Systems Management Studies Philosophy, Politics & Economics    Band A   All applicantsFor guaranteed admissionFPS of 480 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 60%English HL 50%English FAL 60%
    Band B   All applicantsFor probable admissionFPS of 425 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 60%English HL 50%English FAL 60%
    Band C   Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groups with a disadvantage factor greater than 1  For possible admissionFPS of 420NBT scores of Lower Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 60%English HL 50%English FAL 60%In exceptional circumstances, a basic for QL may be mitigated by a score of intermediate in NBT Maths
                Bachelor of Business Science specializing in:Computer Science  Bachelor of Commerce specializing in:Information Systems and Computer Science      Band A   All applicantsFor guaranteed admissionFPS of 480 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 70%English HL 50%English FAL 60%
    Band B   All applicantsFor probable admissionFPS of 425 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 70%English HL 50%English FAL 60%
  Band C   Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groups*with a disadvantage factor greater than 1For possible admissionFPS of 420NBT scores of Lower Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 70%English HL 50%English FAL 60%In exceptional circumstances, a basic for QL may be mitigated by a score of intermediate in NBT Maths
Further Readings: University of Capetown Full Tuition & Fees – 2020
Bachelor of Business Science or Bachelor of Commerce specializing in:Actuarial ScienceActuarial Science: Quantitative FinanceBand A All applicantsFor guaranteed admissionFPS of 500 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 80%English HL 60%English FAL 80% (but require Proficient for AL & QL)
Band B All applicantsFor probable admissionFPS of 480 or aboveNBT scores of Upper-Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 80%English HL 60%English FAL 80% (but require Proficient for AL & QL)
Band C Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groups* with a disadvantage factor greater than 1For possible admission FPS of 475 NBT scores of Upper Intermediate for AL & QL Maths 80% English HL 60% English FAL 80% (but require Proficient for AL & QL)

2. The Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment

The Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Minimum  requirements:60 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 70% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed  admission75 FPS or above75% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission70 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 63.63 FPS will meet the 70 WPS requirement. (63.63+6.36 =70)70% for NSC Mathematics 65% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission60 FPS or above70% for NSC Mathematics 65% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for QL and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER, AND MECHATRONIC ENGINEERING Minimum  requirements: 65 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 75% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed  admission80 FPS or above80% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL, and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission75 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 73 FPS will meet the 80 WPS requirement. (73 +7.3 = 80.3)75% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL, and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission70 FPS or above,75% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL, and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION STUDIES Minimum requirements:60 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 65% for NSC Mathematics, 60% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission75 FPS or above75% for NSC Mathematics 65% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of proficient for Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission68 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 62 FPS will meet the 68 WPS requirement. (62 +6.2 = 68.2)70% for NSC Mathematics 62% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission60 FPS or above65% for NSC Mathematics 60% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL, and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PROPERTY STUDIES Minimum  requirements:60 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 65% for NSC Mathematics
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission80 FPS or above75% for NSC MathematicsNBT scores of proficient for Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission75 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 69 FPS will meet the 75 WPS requirement. (69 +6.9 = 75.9)70% for NSC MathematicsNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission65 FPS or above65% for NSC MathematicsNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES Minimum  requirements:58 FPS; NBT scores at Intermediate; 50% for NSC Mathematics, 50% for NSC English
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission75 FPS or above75 APS (Architecture Portfolio Score) or aboveNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL, and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission68 WPS68 Architecture Portfolio ScoreNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 62 FPS will meet the 68 WPS requirement. (62 +6.2 = 68.2)NBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission58 FPS or above 50 APSNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Minimum  requirements:65 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 75% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission85 FPS or above80% for NSC Mathematics, 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL, and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission80 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 73 FPS will meet the 80 WPS requirement. (73 +7.3 = 80.3)80% for NSC Mathematics, 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above forAL, QL, and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission70 FPS or above80% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL, and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRO-MECHANICAL* ENGINEERING*The Electro-mechanical Engineering degree is likely to be called Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering from 2018.Minimum requirements:FPS = 65; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 75% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission82 FPS or above80% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical ScienceNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL, and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admissionWeighted Point Score (only in Band B)(this will be determined by weighting the FPS by the applicant’s disadvantage factor) 78 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 73 FPS will meet the 80 WPS requirement. (73 +7.3 = 80.3)80% for NSC Mathematics 70% for NSC Physical ScienceNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission65 FPS or above78% for NSC Mathematics 68% for NSC Physical ScienceNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GEOMATICS Minimum requirements:60 FPS; NBT scores for QL and Mathematics at Intermediate; 75% for NSC Mathematics, 65% for NSC Physical Sciences
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission70 FPS or above75% for NSC Mathematics 65% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of proficient for AL, QL, and Mathematics
All applicantsBand B WPSVery likely admission65 WPSNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage factor and 64 FPS will meet the 70 WPS requirement. (64 +6.4 = 70.4)70% for NSC Mathematics 60% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL and Mathematics
Only SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSPossible admission60 FPS or above,66% for NSC Mathematics 56% for NSC Physical SciencesNBT scores of intermediate or above for AL, QL, and Mathematics

3. Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Health Sciences
All applicantsBand A MedPSGuaranteed admission MedPS of 880 or above, includingNBT results in Proficient range, and A minimum FPS of 810 points
All applicantsBand B WPSLikely admissionWeighted MedPS of 870 or aboveMinimum additional requirement for admission in this band:FPS of 725
Only SA applicants in redress categories 1 and 2Band C MedPSPossible admissionMedPS of 715 for redress category 1MedPS of 730 for redress category 2Minimum additional requirement for admission in this band:FPS of 690.Please note:Applicants from rural areas known to be underserved by doctors may be given preference in Band C. (UCT uses a database of rural schools provided by the Department of Basic Education.)Preference may also be given to applicants with a disadvantage factor of more than one (1).
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS of 720 or above
All applicantsBand B WPSLikely admissionWPS of 710 or above
SA applicants in redress categories 1 and 2. (If the Faculty is unable to meet its target for redress 3 and 4 applicants, it may make offers to such applicants in Band C as well.)Band C FPSPossible admissionFPS of 550 for redress 1FPS of 565 for redress 2FPS of 610 for redress 3 and 4Please note:Preference may be given to applicants with a disadvantage factor of more than one (1).NBT results in Intermediate-range*
Note: * Applicants with any NBT result in the Basic range may also be considered on an individual basis. However, applicants who offer Mathematical Literacy will not be considered if they have any NBT result in the Basic range.
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS of 730 and above
All applicantsBand B WPSLikely admissionWPS of 790
SA applicants in redress categories 1 and 2 (If the Faculty is unable to meet its target for redress 3 and 4 applicants, it may make offers to such applicants in Band C as well.)Band C FPSPossible admissionFPS of 580 for redress 1FPS of 610 for redress 2FPS of 680 for redress 3 and 4Please note:Preference may be given to applicants with a disadvantage factor of more than one (1).
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission•     FPS of 730 or above
All applicantsBand B WPSLikely admission•     WPS of 770 or above
SA applicants in redress categories 1 and 2. (If the Faculty is unable to meet its target for redress 3 and 4 applicants, it may make offers to such applicants in Band C as well.)Band C FPSPossible admission•    FPS of 565 for redress 1•    FPS of 580 for redress 2•    FPS of 670 for redress 3 and 4Please note:•     Preference may be given to applicants with a disadvantage factor of more than one (1).•     NBT results in Intermediate-range*
Note: * Applicants with any NBT result in the Basic range may also be considered on an individual basis. However, applicants who offer Mathematical Literacy will not be considered if they have any NBT results in the Basic range.
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admission•    FPS of 715 or above
All applicantsBand B WPSLikely admission•   WPS of 670 or above
SA applicants in redress categories 1 and 2 (If the Faculty is unable to meet its target for redress 3 and 4 applicants, it may make offers to such applicants in Band C as well.)Band C FPSPossible admission•   FPS of 510 for redress 1•   FPS of 515 for redress 2•   FPS of 600 for redress 3 and 4Please note:•   Preference may be given to applicants with a disadvantage factor of more than one (1).•   NBT results in Intermediate-range*
Note: * Applicants with any NBT result in the Basic range may also be considered on an individual basis. However, applicants who offer Mathematical Literacy will not be considered if they have any NBT results in the Basic range.

4. Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Humanities
BACHELOR OF ARTS (BA) AND BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE (BSocSc) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language.
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS 450 or above. NBT AL: Proficient
Band B WPSLikely admissionWPS 450 or above.NBT AL: Upper-Intermediate or aboveWPS: FPS will be weighted by a disadvantage factor for all applicants according to school and / or home circumstances, to ensure redress (likely to equate to FPS 409 or above). An applicant with a maximum disadvantage score of 10% and an FPS of 409 will meet the WPS 450 requirement (409+41 = 450)
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesBand C FPSPossible admissionFPS 380 or aboveNBT AL: Intermediate or above
BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE IN PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS, AND ECONOMICS (BSOCSC(PPE)) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 450 with Academic Literacy NBT score Proficient and Quantitative Literacy NBT score Upper-Intermediate. NSC Mathematics 60%.50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language.
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS 450 or above NBT AL: ProficientNBT QL: Upper-IntermediateSubject requirements: Mathematics 60% or above
BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK (BSW) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language.Applicants may be required to attend an admissions interview and demonstrate successfully that they will meet the professional requirements of the South African Council for Social Service Professionals.
All applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS 450 or above NBT AL: Proficient
Band B WPSLikely admissionWPS 450 or aboveNBT AL: Upper-Intermediate or aboveWPS: FPS will be weighted by a disadvantage factor for all applicants according to school and / or home circumstances, to ensure redress (likely to equate to FPS 409 or above). An applicant with a maximum disadvantage score of 10% and an FPS of 409 will meet the WPS 450 requirement (409+41 = 450)
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesBand C FPSPossible admissionFPS 380 or aboveNBT AL: Intermediate or above
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN FINE ARTS (BA(FA)) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Satisfactory performance in a portfolio evaluation.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the portfolio submission, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionFPS 380 or aboveNBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in a portfolio evaluation
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesPossible admissionApplicants below the minimum requirements who excel in the portfolio evaluation may be considered for admission to the extended BA(FA).
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN THEATRE & PERFORMANCE (BA(T&P)) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Satisfactory performance in an audition.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionFPS 380 or aboveNBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in a portfolio evaluation
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesPossible admissionApplicants below the minimum requirements who excel in the portfolio evaluation may be considered for admission to the extended BA(FA).
BACHELOR OF MUSIC (BMus) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Satisfactory performance in an audition.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionFPS 380 or above. NBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in an auditionSubject requirements: NSC Music 60% or above, Unisa Music Theory Grade V or above, Unisa Music Practical Grade VII or above
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesPossible admissionApplicants below the minimum requirements who excel in the audition evaluation may be considered for admission to the extended program of study or the Diploma in Music Performance.
BACHELOR OF MUSIC IN DANCE (BMus(Dance)) Minimum  requirements:NSC endorsed for degree study. FPS 380 with Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level.50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Satisfactory performance in an audition.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.Additional minimum requirements:Classical ballet applicants must provide a Royal Academy of Dance or Cacchetti Society Intermediate Certificate, or a certified statement from a registered professional, accredited dance academy or school of at least three years of formal training in African Dance or Contemporary Dance or an equivalent qualification.
All applicantsPossible admissionFPS 380 or aboveNBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in an audition
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesPossible admissionApplicants below the minimum requirements who excel in the audition evaluation may be considered for admission to the Diploma in Dance Education.
ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN MUSIC (AdvDip(Music)) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for diploma study. Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level.50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Successful completion of the Diploma in Music Performance.Satisfactory performance in an audition and music theory test.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionNSC endorsed for diploma studies. NBT AL: IntermediateDiploma in Music Performance or equivalent qualification with an average of 65% or above. Satisfactory performance in an audition and music theory test or a first-class pass in the performance course(s) which forms part of the Diploma in Music Performance.
ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN OPERA (AdvDip(Opera)) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for diploma study. Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or  60% for English First Additional Language. Successful completion of the Diploma in Music Performance specializing in Opera. Satisfactory performance in an audition and music theory test.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionNSC endorsed for diploma studies. NBT AL: IntermediateDiploma in Music Performance or equivalent qualification with an average of 65% or above. Satisfactory performance in an audition and music theory test or a first-class pass in the performance course(s) which forms part of the Diploma in Music Performance.
DIPLOMA IN DANCE EDUCATION (DDE) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for diploma study. Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Satisfactory performance in an audition.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.Additional minimum requirements:Classical ballet applicants must provide a Royal Academy of Dance or Cacchetti Society Intermediate Certificate, or a certified statement from a registered professional, accredited dance academy or school of at least three years of formal training in African Dance or Contemporary Dance or an equivalent qualification.
All applicantsPossible admissionNSC endorsed for diploma studies NBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in an audition
DIPLOMA IN MUSIC PERFORMANCE (DMP) Minimum requirements:NSC endorsed for diploma study. Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level. 50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionNSC endorsed for diploma studies NBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in an audition and Music theory test
DIPLOMA IN THEATRE & PERFORMANCE (DTP) Minimum  requirements:NSC endorsed for diploma study. Academic Literacy NBT score at Intermediate Level.50% for English Home Language or 60% for English First Additional Language. Successful audition.Note: The leading indicator for admission is performance in the audition, and places are awarded on merit.
All applicantsPossible admissionNSC endorsed for diploma studies NBT AL: IntermediateSatisfactory performance in an audition
Faculty of Law
FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE LLB (4-YEAR CURRICULUM) Minimum requirements:420 FPS with NBT AL score at 65% and NBT QL score at Intermediate
All SA applicantsBand A FPSGuaranteed admissionFPS: 510 or aboveNBT: AL (Proficient at 70%), QL (Intermediate)
All SA applicantsBand B WPSAdmission very likelyWeighted Points Score (only in Band B)(This will be determined by weighting the FPS by your disadvantage factor) WPS 495 or aboveNote: An applicant with a maximum disadvantage score of 10%and a FPS of 450 will meet the 495 WPS requirement (450+45 = 495)NBT: AL (Proficient at 70%), QL (Intermediate)
Only SA applicants in targeted redress categoriesBand C FPSPossible admissionFPS: 420 or aboveNBT: AL (Proficient at 65%), QL (Intermediate)
Note 1: Applicants with an FPS of less than 460 may be considered for placement in the Extended Curriculum Programme at the discretion of the Faculty, taking into consideration their performance in the NBT.
International applicants with NSCProbable admissionFPS of 520 or aboveNBT: AL (Proficient at 70%), QL (Intermediate)

6. Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science
All applicantsBand A FPSGUARANTEED ADMISSIONFPS of 630 or aboveMathematics 70% or above and Physical Science 60% or above. (see Notes 2 & 3) NBTs in Mathematics, AL & QL to be written
Band B WPSADMISSION VERY LIKELY (The Weighted Points Score (WPS; only in Band B) will be determined by applying a weighting factor to the FPS, adjusted by a maximum of 10%, to accommodate school or home background)WPS of 600 or aboveMathematics 70% or above and Physical Science 60% or above (see Notes 2 & 3) NBTs in Mathematics, AL & QL to be written
SA applicants in targeted redress race groupsBand C FPSADMISSION POSSIBLEFPS of 550 or aboveMathematics 70% or above and Physical Science 60% or above. (see Notes 2 & 3) NBTs in Mathematics, AL & QL to be written

Note 1:  Acceptance into the Science Faculty does not guarantee acceptance into a chosen major because some majors(currently Biochemistry, Genetics, Geology and Human Anatomy & Physiology) have limits on the number of students that can beaccommodated. Selection for these is based on academic criteria which will be clearly communicated to students during the fiyear of study. Students will be advised in their first year to take courses which could lead to several majors.Note 2: If you have not completed Physical Science or Information Technology in your school-leaving examinations, your choice ofmajor will be restricted to Archaeology and Environmental & Geographical Science.Note 3: For majors in Computer Science, Business Computing, Computer Engineering, and Computer Games Development only, thePhysical Science requirement may be replaced by Information Technology.


Undergraduate Certificate Study
  • To confirm eligibility for admission to undergraduate certificate study, applicants must consult the Admissions Office or the faculty concerned.
Undergraduate Diploma Study
  • The minimum requirement for admission to undergraduate diploma study is a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with an achievement rating of 3 (Moderate Achievement, 40-49%) or better in 4 recognized NSC 20-credit subjects.
Bachelor’s Degree Study

To be eligible for admission to degree study, applicants need to meet minimum requirements for eligibility: Applicants holding a South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) need to pass a minimum of 4 subjects at a rating of 4 (Adequate Achievement, 50-59%) or better from a designated list of subjects. The designated list is as follows:

  • Accounting
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Business Studies
  • Dramatic Arts
  • Economics
  • Engineering Graphics and Design
  • Geography
  • History
  • Consumer Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and 2 other recognized language subjects)
  • Life Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematical Literacy
  • Music
  • Physical Sciences
  • Religious Studies
  • Visual Arts

Applicants holding a South African Senior Certificate need matriculation endorsement. Applicants holding non-South African school-leaving certificates must qualify for a matriculation exemption certificate. For more information please visit the website of the Matriculation Board.

Minimum language proficiency

All applicants must have attained a certain level of proficiency in English and are required to submit evidence of this, as outlined below, as part of their application to study. South African Senior Certificate undergraduate applicants

  • South African Senior Certificate undergraduate applicants to UCT must have achieved a pass of 40% or more on the Higher Grade in English (First or Second Language) at Senior Certificate level.

South African NSC undergraduate applicants

  • South African NSC undergraduate applicants to UCT, must have achieved a rating of 2 (Elementary Achievement, 30-40%) or better at Home Language or First Additional Language level.

Applicants holding non-South African school-leaving certificates

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